Donation partners

Deutsche Huntington-Hilfe e.V.

Since 1970 we have been helping people with Huntington's disease as a self-help organisation. Find out more about our work and services. Here you will find contacts, support, dates and information about the disease and studies. We are the patient representative body for people affected by Huntington's disease in Germany.

Bethanien Kinderdorf Eltville

"Where trust thrives" - For more than 60 years, the Bethanien Children's Villages have been giving children and young people who, for various reasons, can no longer live with their biological families a new home in a family-like atmosphere. In this way, they create the nurturing ground for a healthy trust in life.

zwerg nase zentrum

"There is nothing good unless you do it". After setting up the ZWERG NASE house, the support association transferred it to the ZWERG NASE Foundation and is once again concentrating on its main task: to continue to promote the idea of caring for and supporting the ZWERG NASE children and to collect donations for the house and the children.